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Brand: Serbia

Chris Farmer RSS / 01.09.2015. u 13:53

What are the vital elements of a country's brand?

The branding of Serbia has been going through a very long series of false starts and misfires for as long as I have known about it. I was involved in an early post-transition project in 2004 and 2005, but the branding initiative was ultimately shelved because no one could address the elephant in the conference room:

What is Serbia's brand?

There are many schools of thought and many able practitioners of "nation branding" available for people seeking to answer this question. One group thinks that national products should take the fore, associating a country with what it produces. The examples of this kind of branding are many. Italy for example could be linked with pasta, coffee, design, fashion, or ice cream. But does this capture the essence?

Another group thinks that geographical places make the brand. If we equate Greece with the Parthenon and the islands (and many other places) then the aggregate whole is the country's branding. This has the advantage of leaching onto the Familiar to derive a meaning. And it works for the products as well.

Country-branding does always seem to have a tourist bent. This is for the simple reason that boosting tourism is probably the biggest and most compelling reason to brand a country. But some countries want to be branded for investment. Some want to advance political agendas. Some just want to be known.

Serbia needs all of these.

A further branding bunch would like to tag a country with an attitude or a character. The US has made hay of this as the "land of the free" and promoter of the "American Dream". The US, in this way, is not a brand but AMERICA is a big one. As the US does not have a deep cultural heritage on which to lean, it banks on its idealism. You could make it into the country of the Big Mac and Coke (and many have), but this feels shallow to a lot of us.


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antioksidant antioksidant 14:00 01.09.2015

What is Serbia's brand?

maksa83 maksa83 14:13 01.09.2015


antioksidant antioksidant 14:14 01.09.2015

Re: .


ja čudnijeg rumenka uživotu nisam video
maksa83 maksa83 14:17 01.09.2015

Re: .


ja čudnijeg rumenka uživotu nisam video

Rumunko je bio korak u toj evoluciji.
antioksidant antioksidant 14:21 01.09.2015

Re: .


ja čudnijeg rumenka uživotu nisam video

Rumunko je bio korak u toj evoluciji.

a šta ga je ovo crno i belo napalo?
kao neka odbrana duleta vuješevića od napada uvređene vlasti
angie01 angie01 14:40 01.09.2015

Re: .

Rumunko je bio korak u toj evoluciji.

...jer je ovo- sarenko!
jinks jinks 14:37 01.09.2015


U Sretenjskom ustavu, proglašenom 15. februara u Kragujevcu, rečeno je da svaki rob koji stupi na tlo Srbije tog trenutka postaje slobodan čovek.

Ovo se desilo pre 180 godina, i to je temelj na kome je izgrađena moderna Srbija.

Brand this :)
angie01 angie01 14:37 01.09.2015

pa, na neki naci, Kris,

brend svake zemlje su i njen jezik i pismo, u slucaju Srbije, cak dva pisma, jedno - jedinstveno, skladno i savrseno u svojoj jednostavnosti i logicnosti i drugo, koje koriste mnoge zemlje, pa i tvoja, pa je samim tim benefit za stanovnike, jer mnogo lakse usvajaju i mnoge druge jezike koje to pismo koriste.

A htedoh reci, da ako se vec obracas ovdasnjoj publici, mnogo bi svrsishodnije, ako ne i normalnije, uctivije, bilo da to cinis na Srpskom jeziku, kao sto to radis npr u Politici, jer naprosto ne znaju svi blogeri engleski jezik, pa su samim tim u diskriminisanom polozaju sto se tice razumevanja i ucestvovanja u raspravi sto se tvojih tekstova ovde tice.

Srpski brendovi su svakako hrana i prirodni resurs- jezera, planine, reke, banje- sa izuzetno lekovitim vodama i blatom, zivotinje, ptice, biljke, narocito lekovite,....sto se hrane tice, jos uvek se na pijaci mogu kupiti neprskani domaci organik proizvodi- izdbojila bih neke od domacih gotovih proizvoda, kao sto su pekmez od sipka i ajvar i ljutenica...i naravno- pihtije.
maksa83 maksa83 14:42 01.09.2015

Re: pa, na neki naci, Kris,

A htedoh reci, da ako se vec obracas ovdasnjoj publici, mnogo bi svrsishodnije, ako ne i normalnije, uctivije, bilo da to cinis na Srpskom jeziku, kao sto to radis npr u Politici

I da pritom slobodno koristi sva naša slova, ne samo engleskih 25.
Chris Farmer Chris Farmer 14:45 01.09.2015

Re: pa, na neki naci, Kris,

A nation-branding exercise is, by necessity, something which must be transmitted to the rest of the world.

My concern is for the Big Idea, and really not about politics at all. If all of the products and natural resources you have mentioned are important, it is more important for one over-arching idea to link them all together.

So that when you take the whole picture you can say: This is Serbia.

(I hope this helps)
angie01 angie01 14:51 01.09.2015

Re: pa, na neki naci, Kris,

ne samo engleskih 25. ko zna- zna,...moze i sa 25.
angie01 angie01 15:00 01.09.2015

Re: pa, na neki naci, Kris,

i obavezno- radze, narocito bele, tipa, dunjevaca, kajsijevaca,...i travarise, krajnje lekovite- orahovaca, pelinkovac i sl.

isto tako- suvo meso, slaninice, suvi vratovi i slicne specije...i naravno, cavrci.

moram da pomenem i rukotvorine i one starinske, ali i ove modernije, narocito varijante gde su spojeni tradicija i novi trendovi, npr- unikatni nakit heklan od srme, koji se pri tome prodaje vrlo povoljno, a izgleda bozanstveno,

...samo sto stranci koji dolaze u Srbiju slabo imaju zelju da plate i tako malo za neke super stvari-obicno kupuju neke gluposti za sicu,...fakat, turisticki savez se nije bas potrudio da priblizi specificnosti Srbije strancima, pa da je recimo u gradu organizovan neki distrikt za prodaju, gde bi vodici posle ture razgledanja odveli turiste da kupe te neke specifinosti, sa sigurnoscu i bez lutanja.
angie01 angie01 15:04 01.09.2015

Re: pa, na neki naci, Kris,

...prirodni melemi ( saljic, seka...) i kreme i recimo rucno pravljeni sapuni od prirodnih i lekovitih sastojaka....cajevi, kakvih nema nigde, gajenih ili samo branih u nezagadjenim sredinama sa recepturama.
maksa83 maksa83 15:21 01.09.2015

Re: pa, na neki naci, Kris,

it is more important for one over-arching idea to link them all together.

One Thing to rule them all,
One Thing to find them,
One Thing to bring them all
and in Three Colors bind them
In the Land of Serbia where
Essentially no Fucks are given

tyson tyson 19:08 01.09.2015

Re: pa, na neki naci, Kris,

it is more important for one over-arching idea to link them all together.

It cannot be done for the one simple reason you already mentioned: depends on the target group. Otherwise it would sound like a cheap ad.

3o3oje 3o3oje 13:56 02.09.2015

Re: pa, na neki naci, Kris,

Just look into Serbian poetry. "Serbia is the great secret, Day doesn`t know what night is cooking, nor night to what the break of the day gives birth, A bush doesn`t know what neighbouring bush is dreaming about, nor bird what is happening amongst branches." part of the poem "Serbia" by Desanka Maksimovich
anonymous anonymous 16:28 01.09.2015

Brand : Only Girls ...

...and ... fools
G.Cross G.Cross 17:16 01.09.2015

Idu tako X-man i Srbin, kad ono...

Na zalost Srbija je vec Brandirana .
U ovo je ulozeno mnogo truda, novca i znanja o Brandingu, na zalost ne Srba.

Pitanje je kako Re-Brandovati Srbiju.

Re-Brandovanje Srbije mora poceti sa Holivudskim filmom u kome je Srbin pozitivac.
mirelarado mirelarado 20:57 01.09.2015

Re: Idu tako X-man i Srbin, kad ono...

Re-Brandovanje Srbije mora poceti sa Holivudskim filmom u kome je Srbin pozitivac.

По могућству тенисер, ватерполиста, кошаркаш...
G.Cross G.Cross 13:20 02.09.2015

Re: Idu tako X-man i Srbin, kad ono...

По могућству тенисер, ватерполиста, кошаркаш...

Ili Nikola Tesla.

Serbia - The Land of Geeks
michiganac michiganac 14:45 03.09.2015

Re: Idu tako X-man i Srbin, kad ono...

albicilla albicilla 07:46 02.09.2015

Continue reading and check out other brand

I wander what readers think of this kind of promoting one’s blog at some other site and offering here nothing but a teaser?

No, I am not attacking the author with this. Personally, I find it a bit of a cheating, but would like to hear other opinions.

The reason I am asking is, lately, I regularly blog in English at some other site and am asking myself and the readers how fair is it to share such teasers followed by a link to the full length blog?
angie01 angie01 07:52 02.09.2015

Re: Continue reading and check out other brand

..ovde retko ko otvara linkove,...evo i ja sam ga tek uocila i otvorila posle ovog tvog komentara:).
albicilla albicilla 08:02 02.09.2015

Re: Continue reading and check out other brand

..ovde retko ko otvara linkove,...evo i ja sam ga tek uocila i otvorila posle ovog tvog komentara:).

Daklem, dzaba?
angie01 angie01 08:05 02.09.2015

Re: Continue reading and check out other brand

Daklem, dzaba?

Chris Farmer Chris Farmer 12:08 02.09.2015

Re: Continue reading and check out other brand

I have been taken to task about this before... And I should like to explain my reasons.

The blog, as such, is not a teaser. I believe that I published enough of the piece to be understandable without clicking through. If you DO click through, there is more to read.

After 9 years of blogging on B92, I have also noticed that people do not always read through the longer blogs. In this way, people have a choice to read it here or read the whole thing elsewhere.

If it is a problem to everyone, I will have no objection to reposting the full blog here (and there).

albicilla albicilla 13:05 02.09.2015

Re: Continue reading and check out other brand

No, no, but there might be another problem for you (and, possibly, me) associated with this kind of reposting: from what I understood, Google Search punishes double posting by not showing it in searches or showing is less often?
3o3oje 3o3oje 14:07 02.09.2015


The most frequent words or expressions in Serbian, that I hear from native speakers, are: "Horror!" and "I don`t know how am I alive". PTSD is our brand, but we should not be bragging about it around.
maksa83 maksa83 14:14 02.09.2015

Re: Self-perception

The most frequent words or expressions in Serbian, that I hear from native speakers, are: "Horor!"

feliks.krul feliks.krul 14:35 02.09.2015

Or: Self-deception

The most frequent words or expressions in Serbian, that I hear from native speakers, are: "Horror!" and "I don`t know how am I alive". PTSD is our brand, but we should not be bragging about it around.

You have to be extremely careful when choosing your 'erbian friends, otherwise you will end up swearing JTM frequently.

Jukie Jukie 14:11 02.09.2015


Mislim da je brend Srbije nažalost nešto negativno, Srbija se profiliše po nečemu što ovde ne valja a na drugim mestima valja (eno albicilla ima seriju blogova o dovođenju ljudi iz inostranstva da ubijaju nedužne ptičice ovde). Svi ti simpatični ajvarčići i gibanice postoje i u drugim zemljama i varijantama pa je ovo samo jedna od njih.
milojep milojep 15:37 02.09.2015

What is Serbia's brand?

find and read
3o3oje 3o3oje 07:07 03.09.2015

Re: What is Serbia's brand?

The same Laffan later changed his position and wrote against the Serbs.
milojep milojep 08:43 03.09.2015

Re: What is Serbia's brand?

The same Laffan later changed his position and wrote against the Serbs.

Is Laffan,later, wrote a book against the Serbs?
Give some evidence for what you say!
And Archibald Reiss criticized the Serbs but because they loved them/us!
michiganac michiganac 14:52 03.09.2015


.. & other wind instruments..

feliks.krul feliks.krul 20:53 03.09.2015

Rebranding Serbia

I have been trying to think about the task you threw at us and it is not easy. One things is sure, money helps.

The most successful party and country rebranding (separately) projects were those of Tony Blair, Alistair Campbell, Gordon Brown and... the name slips me.

So their work should be an example for other successful projects. Vucic's attempts to connect with with Blair, viewed from that perspective, are positive.

The question of rebranding Britannia was not just a question of creating a brand out of the historical and existing situations but of creating new content and new identities.

Blair (AND Brown) had, in comparison to Serbia, a limitless credit line, and no other nation, state or group had any intention of blocking their projects.

Serbia's attempts at rebranding will remain faulty, imperfect and limited in their effects because her credit lines are limited and enemies just too powerful and not inclined to change soon; crimes committed in the name of Serbia and Serbs are just too fresh to be forgotten easily without the concentrated help the big players - the same ones who rebranded Germany, Croatia and other fascist states after the WW2.

So, whoever promises to rebrand Serbia now is, in my humble opinion, going to fail.

The best thing to do is to wait, be patient and observe what is happening on the ground, outside the realm of brand professionals and the would be elite. "Na terenu" things are looking pretty good and getting better year by year, Serbs are creating and developing their country - but the time for pickings is not here yet.

In the mean time, it would be better to concentrate on promoting the multitude of individual local brands and products which one day will be the solid basis for New Serbia.



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